Exploring the Credentials details page

Exploring the Detailed Credentials Page

The Detailed Credentials page provides users with comprehensive information about their connected exchanges and facilitates efficient management of their portfolio. This article will delve into the various sections and widgets available on the page, offering a detailed overview of the key data and functionalities they provide.


Header of the credentials details page
Header of the credentials details page

The page header displays essential information about the connected exchange, including the exchange name, ID, status, connection date, and a user-editable comment. Users can easily access and modify the comment by clicking on the corresponding button.

Balance Widget:

Balance widget
Balance widget

The Balance widget provides users with important balance-related parameters, including:

  1. Daily Change: This metric indicates the percentage change in the total balance value compared to the previous day.

  2. Total Amount: This represents the overall balance in BTC, providing users with a snapshot of their current holdings.

  3. Estimated Value: This figure displays the balance in the user's chosen fiat currency within the system, allowing for a quick assessment of the portfolio's value.

Trade History Widget:

Trade history widget
Trade history widget

The Trade History widget presents a summary of the trading activity associated with the exchange. It includes the total number of trades executed and the number of trades conducted within the last 24 hours. Additionally, the widget features two charts: one showcasing the trade volume per day over the past week and another displaying order activity for each day within the same timeframe. A [Show All] link at the top allows users to access a detailed page displaying all trades.

Orders Widget:

Orders widget
Orders widget

The Orders widget provides users with an overview of their order history on the exchange. It includes the total number of orders placed and the number of open orders. A chart illustrates order activity per day over the past week. Similar to the Trade History widget, a [Show All] link is available for users to explore a comprehensive page dedicated to all orders.

Market Statistics:

Market statistics widget
Market statistics widget

The Market Statistics widget offers valuable insights into the top five profitable markets for a selected coin. Users can choose the desired coin using a select box. Clicking the [Show All] link at the top opens a detailed page presenting comprehensive market statistics.

Exchange Balances:

Exchange balance widget
Exchange balance widget

This widget displays all available coins on the connected exchange. The data is presented in a pie chart format, illustrating the percentage distribution of each coin relative to the total balance. A list of all coins and their corresponding balances is also provided. Clicking the [Details] link at the top opens a popup window with more detailed information about the user's coins.

Exchange balance popup
Exchange balance popup

API Key & Secret Widget:

API Key & Secret Widget
API Key & Secret Widget

This widget partially displays the API key and Secret key used to connect the exchange to the system. Clicking the gear button opens a popup window where users can update their API keys.

Danger Zone Widget:

Danger zone
Danger zone

The Danger Zone widget enables users to delete the connected exchange. This option should be exercised with caution, as it permanently removes the exchange from the system.

Balance History Chart:

Balance history chart
Balance history chart

This chart visually represents the user's balance history over a specified time period. By default, it displays the daily balance fluctuations, but users can toggle between different periods such as weekly, monthly, or all-time to gain a broader perspective on their portfolio's performance.

Portfolio Block:

Portfolio block
Portfolio block

This block showcases the main stable coins used for trading. For each coin, the following information is provided:

  1. Coin Name

  2. Allocation Chart: Visual representation of the coin's allocation within the portfolio.

  3. Available: Amount of the coin available for trading.

  4. Invested: Total amount of invested funds.

  5. Estimated: Estimated value of the coin in the user's chosen currency.

  6. Daily Revenue: Daily revenue generated from the coin.

  7. Bots: Number of bots created for trading the coin. If no bots have been created, a button to add a new bot is displayed, leading users to the bot creation process.

Premium users will also find a [Manage Allocation] button in the top-right corner, which opens a popup window to configure Portfolio Management settings and enable rebalancing functionality.

Rebalance History Table:

Rebalance history table
Rebalance history table

This table is exclusively available to premium subscribers and provides an overview of rebalancing results. Each entry in the table includes the following information:

  1. Coin: The coin involved in the rebalancing.

  2. Total: The Total column displays the amount that was added after rebalancing.

  3. Percent: The percentage change in allocation compared to the previous state.

  4. Date: The date and time when the rebalancing occurred.

  5. Status: The status of the rebalancing process (Completed, Open, or Failed).

Users can filter the table based on the rebalancing status, allowing for easy access to completed, ongoing, or unsuccessful rebalancing events.


The Detailed Credentials page offers users a comprehensive view of their connected exchanges, balance history, trade activity, orders, market statistics, portfolio allocation, and rebalancing history. By leveraging the various widgets and functionalities available, users can effectively monitor their portfolio, make informed decisions, and manage their trading strategies with ease.

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